
After you’ve had an accident or an illness or been in hospital, or because of a long-term disability or health condition, it can be harder for you to manage in your own home.

Reablement is intensive short-term support to help people to relearn daily skills and regain confidence to live independently. Daily skills could include preparing meals, washing, dressing and toileting. It might mean that you need less help in the future.

The reablement team will talk to you about:

  • What you want to be able to do in the future
  • What goals you need to work on, for example getting in and out of the bath, or
    Walking to the shops
  • How they are going to help you with those goals

Reablement takes place in your home. The team encourages you to be independent by doing things yourself. It takes about 3 to 6 weeks but can be shorter, depending on how well you are doing. The team will check your progress and change your goals if necessary.

As part of the assessment process, you will have the chance to talk to a care manager about your needs. If the care manager agrees you need reablement, they will arrange it for you.

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